Giuseppe Nelva
The trailer shows a lot more than the original glimpse we saw a few weeks ago, including a much clearer idea of the characters and the story.
We’re playing a new character named Shez (the name is customizable) that can be male and female and we can side with one of three factions.
Perhaps the biggest surprise that will make most Fire Emblem: Three Houses fans scream is that the previous hero Byleth is now the antagonist.
You can check out the trailer below, with English and Japanese voices depending on your preference.
If you’d like to know more, you can read an official description below, directly from Nintendo.
Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and other Fire Emblem: Three Houses characters return to put their combat expertise on display as you revisit a war-torn Fódlan.
Unleash devastating combos and striking special moves in action-packed, real-time combatCut through hordes of enemies as characters from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game. Take down dozens of foes with Edelgard’s axe or Dimitri’s lance, or blast enemies from a distance with Claude’s bow. Slash, swing, and spear your way to a brighter future for Fódlan.
Purchase the digital version of the game to receive regular visits from a friendly messenger owl outside of your personal quarters. It’ll gift you Owl Feathers that can be used to boost your support level with other characters!”